FAQs for Training Institutes

    1. What is this Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Project all about?

This project earlier implemented by field offices is centralized for standardization and building strong network of all stakeholders. The project aims at skilling tribal youth through empaneled affiliated skill training provider under NSDC (National Skill Development Corporation promoted Sector Skill Councils) or SSDS (State Skill Development Societies VTP providers)

    2. Why component of entrepreneurship is introduced in this?

Tribal youth or traditional tribal families do have forest or natural resource based livelihood options. Those who do not want to relocate themselves in cities and preserve the traditions, culture are not compelled to do so for economic compulsions. Hence option of micro enterprise promotion is made available.

    3. How can I participate in this project?

The first step is visiting http://trtionline.gov.in/tambition and studying the Empanelment Policy TRTI-2018

    4. Is there any funding available and what is the procedure to seek the sponsorship?

The power point presentation displayed on the website will enable you to understand on how you can be important stakeholder in this project.

    5. How can I get empaneled under ESDP TRTI?

On the website itself there are on-line registration forms available you can use the google form aimed at data extraction of prospective training partners.

    6. What are the projects eligible for sponsorship? Is sponsorship available for research projects?

Projects categorized as Regular, Innovative and special are eligible for sponsorship. While Regular and Innovative can be funded as per TRTI ESDP Sub-Committee sanctions, the Special projects may need convergence with Govt. scheme or participation of corporate entity through CSR provisions.

There is component of research projects as well in fact innovative project for pilot run/proof of concept may need some support for data collection, survey, feasibility etc. all such projects can be considered under research category having separate provision.

    7. How I can select project categories?

Based on affiliations referred above and mandate of your organization if matching with the mandate of tribal development, you can select the category.

    8. How can I submit the proposal?

You have to use standard template based on the project category. The special projects, research projects do not have standard template based on your expertise and needs of funding same can prepared and submitted.

    9. How do I get the information on further procedure being followed at TRTI?

Once your application for empanelment is received by TRTI. You will be issued letter of recognition under empanelment policy of ESDP-TRTI. You are required to submit the proposal as per the project category and with all documents.

    10. How are the proposals scrutinized?

The proposals are scrutinized based on affiliations for Regular-SDP. Projections made by Training Institute to impart skill training in particular sector and the budget for the same. Your tie up with corporate entities for offering placement immediately after training is important criteria.

    11. Who decides the sponsorship and physical target?

The Commissioner TRTI has constituted the 5 member Sub-Committee which scrutinizes the proposal, examines the presentation/discusses with presenters and accords the scores based on different parameters within the framework of skill development policy& ESDP process, as well as the mandate of TRTI.

    12. Do I have to prepare the budget and seek sponsorship as per standard cost norms issued by Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Govt. of India?

TRTI is an autonomous agency although standard modules for various sectors are required to be implemented for regular-SDP category; the budget is appraised by Sub-Committee members and recommended to Commissioner TRTI for approval.

    13. How can I estimate the budget for getting associated with ESDP-TRTI?

You have to calculate all expense heads like mobilization, honorarium for technical and non-technical trainers, rent/taxes for infrastructure, utility bills, travelling etc. and come out with your own budget. ESDP TRTI does not provide funding for capital expenditure & residential and boarding facilities for trainees.

    14. Is there any ratio of direct expenditure on tribal youth to overheads?

Yes, the budget prepared need to be within the ratio of 85:15 (Direct Expenditure on Tribal Youth/End user: Overheads).

    15. What if our overhead costs are more than 15%?

The budget prepared and submitted by you will have to be curtailed for unwanted expenses, will have to be appraised properly by your team and resubmitted.

    16. Why overheads are restricted @ 15%?

The reason is if you see funding under CSR projects most corporate entities want overheads @5% which means expense on end user is 95%. As tribal pockets are in the interior with different topography Govt. is allowing excess overheads. But overheads above 15% are not justified and hence not approved.

    17. How do we get ST youth for training programs?

You need to have long term strategy for mobilization with dedicated field coordinators/mobilizers and follow the points mentioned in MoU for mobilization process. Do not outsource mobilization to third party agency/independent mobilizer on per candidate basis as long term connect with tribal youth is required till he settles in the career.

    18. What support I can expect from ITDP/ATC offices?

Representatives from ITDP/ATC offices under Tribal Development Commissioner ate,Nashik are required to attend Selection Committee meeting and certify the validity of ST certificate.

    19. Is their participation in Selection Process mandatory?

Yes, TRTI Pune can invest financial resources only for welfare of Scheduled Tribe (ST) category. Any lapse or wrong selection of candidate might deprive you of sponsorship for that candidate who is not from ST category.

    20. Is there different procedure adopted for Govt. promoted organizations & private / NGO institutions?

Yes, for projects involving 2 or more partners and even if one of the partner is a Govt. organization the due diligence submission and verification is not conducted. The field visit is paid in project area, interactions with end users is made and claims of applicant entities is verified. However if Govt. partner withdraws TRTI shall initiate the process & completion of formalities shall be mandatory failing which sanction can be withdrawn.

    21. How can we train ST candidates in urban areas without funding for residential facilities as candidates are coming from rural area?

TRTI Pune is offering travel expenses for candidates belonging to BPL category and hence bus pass amount or travel amount equivalent to bus fare ( In case bus service is not available candidate might have different mode) with attendance certificate from training institute is reimbursed to candidate.

    22. Is TRTI Pune sponsoring ESDP scheme only for Below Poverty Line ST youth?

No TRTI Pune is not restricting the scheme only for BPL ST Youth as large number of ST families get migrated to cities and we may find them in transition state. Further there are various programs separately implemented for BPL ST category.

    23. Can I use logo of TRTI, Govt. & where?

The logos and names are permitted to be used with Govt. emblem occupying the central position on handbills, information brochures and posters, advertisements if any. The formats of press note also can have names of TRTI Pune as sponsor and all such promotional collaterals can have TRTI name logo.

    24. What if Govt. / corporate entities ask for proof of association with TRTI Pune as project partner?

Wherever you go and whichever entity whether Govt. or private is approached for extending post training support to candidates or facilitating the selection, all will ask you some documentation.

You are expected to keep self-certified photocopies of 1.Empanelment Recognition Letter issued by TRTI 2. Sanction order 3.Photocopy of MoU.

    25. Will they accept and cooperate for implementing the project based on these documents?

Yes they are expected to cooperate, However much depends on your approach and skills of your Field Coordinators possess with pro-active attitude and professional approach. Because you are partnering with Govt. scheme don’t presume as matter of right. You have to adjust your schedule with their priorities as field offices are also having less manpower.

    26. How do I get the sanctioned amount in work order?

After receiving the sanction order you are required to execute MoU as per project category and standard format displayed on website the release of instalments is mentioned subject to achievement of parameters defined in completion of project.

    27. What is this Bank Guarantee all about? When it is submitted? Is it mandatory? For whom?

Project Partners in any category are required to submit 15% bank guarantee of sanctioned amount in the name of Commissioner TRTI. This is submitted while executing MoU with TRTI. This is mandatory for all institutional or individual entities associated with TRTI seeking financial assistance.

    28. For whom this is not applicable? Can there be relaxation period?

If any Govt. entity is involved in project execution, TRTI Pune will not insist on Bank Guarantee. In case there is financial difficulty with some training partners, the Commissioner TRTI based on the submission of affidavit can give relaxation of one month period for submission of bank guarantee.

    29. After one month also, if training partner is unable to fulfill the commitment of bank guarantee can extension be granted?

No further extension is granted. Release of funds is stopped and legal action initiated against the training partners as per clauses of affidavit.

    30. What is monitoring process?

You are given log in and pass word after issuing the sanction. Each training institute is expected to upload details of training programs planned, on-going and completed with photographs. In case you are not able to upload all data has to be mailed. The documents submitted shall be verified while releasing subsequent installments as per MoU.

    31. How to submit the documentation of completed training program?

T-ambition portal on home page has displayed the documentation template with annexures to be submitted for getting the approved funds.

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